Friday, November 29, 2019

Is panchkarma effective at treating autoimmune diseases?

Guys, I seriously need your help.
Please share your experiences with this treatment or anyother treatment.


  1. Hi Heisenberg,

    Thanks for the feedback on various functional medicine doctors in mumbai/India & online too. It helped me a lot to decide on a doctor for treatment. I have had depression for a while now and took some alternative treatments for it on & off since 2013.

    A few types of holistic treatments I found promising were -
    Chiropractic (back pain)
    Functional Medicine (a few select tests)

    My health improved a lot when I took the right dosage for magnesium & iodine. Magnesium helped with my anxiety and & Iodine with brain fog and general wellness. Homeopathy was the solution when I transitioned off meds to these natural supplements. heavy metal detox using EDTA & Glutathione IV also helped. A dermal scan was also useful to identify deficiencies and heavy metal toxicities. Now is 2020 a lot of cheaper & better alternatives are also available.

    If you can specify what type of autoimmune disease you have maybe I can suggest a book/doctor for it. if its not known then the symptoms will have to do.

    A few doctors I trust & whose books I have found exceptionally informative:
    1. Dr Mark Hyman
    UltraMind Solution
    2. Patrick Holford
    How to Quit Without Feeling Sh-T
    Improve Your Digestion - How to make your gut work for you
    3. Julia Ross
    The Craving Cure
    The Diet Cure (has a whole chapter on autoimmune)
    4. Mark Sircus
    Treatment Essentials Third Edition
    5. David Brownstein
    Iodine - Why You Need It - 5th ed
    Heal your leaky gut (has a whole chapter on autoimmune)

    6. Lynne Farrow and David Brownstein MD
    The Iodine Crisis What You Don't Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life
    7. Carolyn Dean - The Magnesium Miracle

    A book that was recommended to me by others but I have not read yet:
    8. Stephen B. Edelson & Deborah Mitchell
    What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Autoimmune Disorders

    Let me know if we can discuss any issues relating to the above books/doctors treatments. any anonymous chatting system is fine


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    2. do you intend to use gmail hangouts or some other chat system?

    3. We can talk. It will be far quicker and better.

    4. ok, please accept my gmail chat invite or suggest an alternative app/medium.

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  3. Hi, I am going for the Shirodhara treatment here in Hyderabad. I head a lot about it. I will definately will write the reviews about it after 8 days.

    1. That is a very noble of you. Even if it improves one life. You deserve to be called a savior.

      Please do update.

  4. Hey, I read about you that you are facing this problem since almost childhood and I feel really pain, I am suffering from IBS but I recovered a lot but still for gaining the weight properly I am still struggling but I see some incremental development in me from the time it started 2 years back. You are really an educated patient. I wanted to let you know sometime, I dont know how shall I discuss, if you are okay then I can write about those things here in comment section.

  5. I have completed my shirodhara treatment for 8 days and it works well. Its better to go for the procedure in summer, in rainy or winter you head will get cold and you may get cold. Overall its really good.

    1. Hey Nishant,
      Thank you for updating.
      What is shirodhara treatment? What exactly did they do to you under that treatment?
      Did it improve any food allergies or sensitivities you had?
      Did it improve your energy and mental focus?

  6. In Shirodhara, what I understood is that they try to provide the nutrition to the hypothalamus, which is required to be in the calm state so that, when we sleep with the pitutary gland it produce more HGH(human growth hormone), which can be measure with the IGF-1(Insulin growht factor) in the blood. Anyways that the techincal part of the procedure.

    They use the shirobala oil to put it into the forehead, the oil is bit hot and honestly I felt like I am king, I saw in the movies king and its close one getting massage and he is just relaxing, awesome feeling man. I loved that feeling.

    Regarding the food allergies, yes I just completed the treatment, but I had a pizza ordered one day, becuase I was feeling hungry like anything, and I was able to digest it. Noproblem:-). But practically it very early to make any comment on it. but yes I feel very confident and relax(difficult to explain this feeling in text)

    Regarding my mental focus, yes it is better.

    And I have been suggested to vasti treatment, I really like the theory behind it. I will go for that after 1 week of gap. I really like the ayurveda approach, how beautifull it is. It is underated because better practioner are not available easily, but in south I have seen here the ecosystem of Ayurveda is better and very rich compare to North. They follow the protocol better and here cheating is less(This is my experience).

  7. So they massaged your head with a herbal and your health improved? Very interesting :) To me it sounds like they did one of the many stress release techniques and THAT made you to relax and digest the food better and made you feel good.

  8. Hello ADMIN,
    my name is pavan kumar...i thought of sharing my pain in this lovely here i have found the most genuine persons who offer selfless service....i was diagnosed with varicocele and proceeding to that i had varicocelectomy thts is the surgery ..after a year again it started to grow....then i was devasted that i need to go again for operation, proceeding to that i was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) auto-immune disease dis-order...i had conducted nearly 6 endocrinologist all of them suggested me to have thyroidectomy or radio-active iodine but i wanted to heal naturally so then i visited 2 homeopathy doctors and 3 ayurvedic doctors now of them addressing the root cause and they just started to giving the medicines for symptoms....and then i met functional medicine doctor who is in bangalore ....then i took 3months of medicine and diet protocol as advised by him ,,as of now i was recovering but then all of my money which i had earned got exhausted and as i'm jobless now its difficult to enroll again then i found this group...i would request the admin to guide me that what i should be doing i cant take anti-thyroid medication for would be really helpful for me by your Genuine advices...

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