Friday, January 15, 2021

Second consult with a functional medicine doctor in USA

First of all, the calls never happen on time. If the call is scheduled at 10 Hrs, the actual call begins never at scheduled time and always an hour or two late. Thats a lot of professionalism on their part. If you speak about this to him, He does get very offended and tells you to find another doctor. :|

During the call you can hear him chewing and eating. When you are spending hundreds of dollars to speak him, to tell him your problems and hopefully hear any solutions, he is eating during that time!

Am I having too high expectations or this is how all doctors work?


  1. It depends on the doctor you are consulting. You chose a doctor who was pretty famous on mainstream. He was bound to be filled
    with arrogance, insensitive and uncaring. On YouTube these guys sound warm and welcoming like they care so much about their patients
    but you witness the reality when it one on one. The doctor I was consulting (Dr Michael Biamonte from NYC) was thankfully disciplined and caring.
    But again those expensive supplements and complicated protocol, frequent testing and sending samples to US for examination, those restricted diet plans were not for me.
    It was getting way too much expensive for me. I wasnt born with this illness. I only developed this chronic symptoms in high school. I am 24 now and
    still not able to figure out whats wrong with me. I just don't know what causing it. The biggest most bothersome symptom for me is my poor quality sleep.
    I can handle headaches, bloating, constipation, fatigue, joint pain and ezcema but sleep is the most important thing to me.
    So I have decided to fix this only this one symptom. No one knows whats causing these chronic symptoms in many people. Also practioners are getting produced
    now-a-days like they are experts in the functional medicine. Each have their own modalities, diet plans and regiments but I think no one really
    knows whats going on. I consulted Dr Shubnam before that in 2018. I didnt benifit much from here protocol either.

    The only thing I care now is fixing my sleep and for that I am started taking magnesium supplements. If I find any significant result with magnesium I will
    inform you.

    Dealing with chronic illness is like solving a sherlock level mystery by a low IQ person.

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  2. Actually I am doing a little better right now compared to when I had written this post first time in 2018. I am not sure how it got republished in 2021. Thanks to the Adrenal support, anti microbials and probiotics especially sacchromyces boulardi for now (I love jarrow Formula's sacchromyces boulardi + MOS), this probiotics calms down my gut inflammation a little bit and gives me a little energy. That sacchromyces boulardi supplement costs like a bomb in India. Thanks to India's 50% custom import duty protecting the incompetency and BS about ayurveda in India. Yes, I dont believe in ayurveda at all, it is the BS that fills Indian with pride and with pride comes failure. Having had autoimmune diseases since I was 5 years old, I have tried every ayurveda trick out there with vain.

    I am actually thankful to Dr. Justin Marchegiani since 202 as I am a little energetic now than I was in 2018. The only problem with all this is, is 50% import duty on supplements on top of mind boggingly expensive functional medicine consults, tests and supplements. I have spent 5,50,000 INR so far since 2018 and got a little energy and a little calm in my symptoms caused by gut inflammation. I had spent about 80,000 INR on Indian "doctors" like Shabnam Kar, Lilly Kiswani and Pankaj Bharti, which was money down the toilet. Someday I am going to post everything about Pankaj Bharti's treatment. Some arrogant and ignorant people these lot are.

    Who is Michael Biamonte? What is his protocol like? What kind of tests he do? What supplements does he give? I suggest you write a blog post asnwering these questions and I will be delighted to link your article to this blog.

    Magnesium may or may not work for you depending on you being depleted in that mineral or not. The whole idea of functional medicine is to clear the colon of bad microbiome and populate it with good microbiome so that it gives you many benefits in terms of reduced inflammation, better blood sugar control, better immune system, and producing B vitamins and other nutrition for your body to use by eating the fiber from the diet.

    I have been running this blog for several years now, more and more Indians have gotten in touch with me over time and they have gotten better, some almost completely healing their gut and food allergies by just doing the Paleo or AIP or Carnivore diet without ever touching any adrenal support or herbal anti microbials or probiotics.

    Do share your experience with Michael Biamonte.

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