Saturday, August 10, 2019

What causes Food Allergies?

Many People are Food Allergies, Intolerances and Sensitivities. Food Allergies are more severe than food intolerances and food intolerances are more severe than food sensitivities.

It means whenever you eat a certain food, you get a negative health reaction in your body. This reaction is caused by your digestive system not being able to digest that particular food. That food leaks through the small intestine and activates your immune system. The food allergies, Intolerances & Sentsitivites could have symptoms like

  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Psoriatic Arthritis
  • Fatigue
  • Any other autoimmune condition
  • Gas & Bloating.
The severeity of these symptoms depend on the type of food also. 

Some people have only lactose intolerance, some people have problems with wheat only. Some people have problems with Grains. I have come to realize after doing the AIP (AutoImmune Paleo) diet that I have problems with many food. AIP diet omits any food that are a potential allergenic.

In my experience in working with Justin Marchegiani(not recommended) and reading a book called "healthy Gut, Healthy you", I come to understand that the food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities have a common cause, that is, gut infections and gut health. Treating those gut infections resolves many food allergies, is what I understand right now. 

Do you have or ever had Food allergies/intolerance/sensitivities? Please share your health journey on how you have you been able to overcome those Food allergies/intolerance/sensitivities, it may help all the humanity. 


  1. Hello there! Fellow auto-immune disease sufferer here. I am Hashimotos Hypothyroid patient. I am looking at finding good food allergy & SIBO/Leaky Gut testing labs in India. I know you ended up taking an international test in 2018. have you done any other testing since? My research shows that there are labs such as Daivam Wellness in Delhi that offer it. Have you tried them out?

    Heard reviews. I have similar symptoms as you - I think all autoimmune diseases in India are grossly under treated and have gone down the same path of research and analysis and scientific journal reading. I am now convinced that I have a parasitic infection, food allergies & Leaky Gut, but need some testing to prove it.

    Looking for options!

    Thanks for writing this blog. It is so helpful :)

    1. Hi Heisenberg and Bhuvi, came across this blog while researching leaky gut, autoimmune disorders and functional medicine in India. On the subject of tests, I came across 2-3 sites in India.. bugspeaks, mydiagnostics and Any idea if any of these are good? Also any recommendations for any doctors/nutrionists who can help on this path?

    2. Hello Nazneen,

      It all starts with a diet. I have seen tons of people getting better with just the diet. Some people have very little damage to their gut, so they thrive by just eliminating milk and gluten. Some people have a very severely damaged gut, so they thrive by doing a carnivore diet. How severe your gut is damaged is determined by what kind of diet makes you feel better. On the lower end its the gluten free and dairy free diet and on the high ent , its the carnivore or AIP diet. No matter which type of diet you eat. Diet alone is very powerfull enough to recover your health and your gut health.

      There are so many "doctors" charging 20,000 INR for 1 hour chat with them. Telling you this exact same thing after beating around the bush so much ie after multiple sessions of 20000INR/Hour. The insult to the injury is, they dont tell you to do this, they will be like, you have to figure out which foods make you feel better and which dont. Thats actually true, he doesnt know that, only you, yourself can tell which foods make you feel healthy, feel less pain, feel more energy, but they charge you lakhs of rupees for 3 months course, 1 hour per week session.

      For the very very rare cases, like mine, even carnivore, or an AIP diet didnt help much beyond a point. For a full recoverey you have to take Adrenal Support and anti microbials.

      Having tried multiple dozens of adrenal support and antimicrobials, I can tell you that a great quality is very rare to come by in India. Most of the great quality Adrenal Support and greatest quality anti microbials are available in the developed world. if you still like to try, you can buy from iherb and amazon, but I found them totally waste, it thousands of rupees down the toilet, even the most rated and most popular ones on iherb and amazon. If you want to try, look for

      Adrenal Support:
      Pregenalone (liquid)
      DHEA (liquid)
      Licorice (liquid)

      Anti microbials
      There are many, there are many bunch of different blends of herbs. I didnt find any of them good except the ones I buy from the Drs like Mario Rusco, Justin Health, Ed Beyer etc.

    3. Thanks very much for your detailed post. I have been researching for my mum, who is an asthmatic, has had ITP (thrombocytopenia), tbroid issue and now is getting some skin issues diagnosed as lichen planus. This got me reading regarding autoimmune disorders and the connection to leaky gut/sibo. She has currently started with the same as you mention, diet change removing sugars, processed foods, gluten and dairy.
