Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The solution to Autoimmune diseases in India

I write this post on this book recommendation after literally reading dozens of books on the topic. Most the doctors I have seen are right on the mark in terms of basics, very off the mark when it comes to treating a disease(personal experience).

This book available on amazon for about 3.5K INR is way too inexpensive and it a better strategy to put your autoimmune diseases in remission in India. This book is a far better way of managing your autoimmune disease than going through dozens of doctors and spending lakhs on testing and doing the same protocol which is in the book which many health providers and many doctors will tell you for a few lakh rupees.

Many doctors I know other than this Dr. Michael Ruscio dont want you to know about this book. I have been blocked and banned by many doctor's online media outlets (facebook, youtube etc) for telling other patients about this book.

Autoimmune diseases start from a leaky small intestine and causing an immune reaction when undigested food or toxins or parasites pass through the leaky small intestine. This book provides steps on how to seal that leaky small intestine and properly regulate your immune system.

UPDATE 30th Nov 2019
This post was originally written on 29th Jan 2019 after reading that book. In the course of last 10 months, I have bought his supplements outlined in the book and followed the protocol to the T. I bought his probiotics and adrenal support and antimicrobials and paid for the supplement cost + shipping cost to India + customs duty. So the landed cost of the supplements came out to be twice the original product cost. and I cannot even afford the supplement costs in the first place. So it is obvious that I write this review on the supplements.

One June 2019, I bought Dr Ruscio's probiotics and adrenal support. Adrenal Support barely gave me any energy and probiotics caused me a very severe reaction flare up of my symptoms which were, insomnia, low energy, irritability, skin breakouts/itching and hormonal imbalances. I ignored this reaction from his supplements and thought of trying his anti-microbials, as it mentions in his book that if this step 2 of "Adrenal Support + Probiotics" doesnt work, go to step 3, which is anti-microbials.

September 2019, I bought all of Dr Ruscio's anti-microbials, Even the anti-microbials taken as strictly mentioned in Dr Ruscio's book, which are claimed to be "world class", "state of the art", "formulated after 10,00,000 hours of research" began to give me even more severe bloating, tiredness, skin issues, and insomnia.I should have known after having reacted to his useless and reactionary probiotics and adrenal support. Why dont I think? maybe its because of all the incredible tiredness I constantly have.

I was excited after reading his book as it was written in a very modest and in a manner that would make one trust this doctor. Obviously, that was my mistake. Anyone should be judged by their actions, and not their words. Trying this protocol has cost me a year of pain and hole of 1,40,000/- INR in my pocket. NEVER AGAIN.


  1. hi, i have been through many of your posts and want to share some thoughts of my own, but i will do so collectively here instead of on separate posts. i myself have been very curious about functional and integrative medicine and read about it regularly. i especially find podcasts/websites of ben greenfield, dave asprey, dr mercola, chris kresser, ray peat resources, rhonda patrick and some others very informative.

    i also completely agree that functional medicine is almost non existent in india and lab testing technology and various tests themselves being used by good pratitioners in the US are completely non existent here (for example the RBC magnesium test which is the gold standard for measuring magnesium levels does not happen here, only serum magnesium does, and that is quite deceptive)

    the closest i see to good functional medicine here is luke cuthino. infact i have come to realize that there is an overlap between functional medicine practitioners and nutritionists in india. both these terms and the term 'dietician' and often used interchangeably.

    i see you have consulted foreign practitioners but not had good results. here are some i would recommend - although they would be very expensive and im not sure how you can get the tests that they will likely recommend, from india.

    1- chris kresser
    2- chris masterjohn
    3- joseph mercola
    4- david minkoff
    5- valter longo
    6- peter attia

    i also noticed that you got a dutch test done. how did you manage that since it isn't available here? do share. i too have become interested in tracking various markers and would like to do the dutch test(and many other tests) done including a 23andme genetic test (there is one being done in india called xcode)

    feel free to email me via my profile link. i would love to exchange my own ideas about nutrition, diets, exercise, supplements etc. as they are developing and evolving. wish you good health.

  2. Hi Abhimanyu,
    Thanks for your comment and insights.
    I did two tests in USA. One called the GI MAP where there they test all the infections and dysbiosis and other one, they test the hormonal rhythm through urine. These companies sent their kits to me and I sent them the samples(urine and stool) via internation couriers.

    Did you consult Luke Cutinho? I know a lot of Functional medicine doctors, who really go by "functional medicine" tag in India, they dont use the antimicrobials (herbs that kill infections, parasites) in the small and large bowel and probiotics. Atleast thats what I came to know about them. I haven't consulted them. But When I asked how would they treat infections in the bowels, they said "via diet". Diets are not enough in cases where the autoimmune disorders and infections have been present for a couple of years.

    Consulting these US doctors is very expensive for a median income salaried person. I am currently doing the antimicrobials on my own using the book this blog post is about. I have already spent enough money on doctors and supplements, both India and USA and now I am in financial issues.

    1. Ok. Did you consult any FM doc with your GI and DUTCH ? i dont think anyone here in india would have any experience reading these test results.

      i have not consulted luke but have read his articles and seen his videos. a lot of what he talks about is the same as what i have read on blogs etc of american FM docs. i may consult him in the future and will update here if that happens.

      you are right that more than diet is required to sort issues of dysbiosis and hormone balance (moreover the food itself is contaminated heavily and seeking organic produce is difficult). go to https://kresserinstitute.com/ and look for a document where 5 case studies have been shared of how they treated people. it may provide some insight and help to you.

      apart from antimicrobials, you could look into probiotics (or synbiotics). are you paleo or keto? what are you supplementing with? important vitamins/minerals according to my research are - vit c, vit d, vit k2, b12, b6, b9 magnesium, zinc, copper...maybe a few more.

  3. Hi Heisenberg,

    I'm having an autoimmune condition. Is there anyway to get in touch with you through any other social networks like email or Instagram. Please let me know. To be honest, being in my 20s it's very difficult to manage and live a normal life going through these health issues. It affects the day to day activities and job. I really need your guidance. I have read many of your posts and made this account only to contact you. No one understands it better than a person going through the same situation. Hope you'll revert me back. I tried finding your email ID over here but guess it's on private. Thanks in advance and please reply me back.

  4. And about this book... will surely purchase it. Read few reviews on Amazon and got to know that he advises taking supplements and probiotics of his brand. Ermmm have you found substitutes of those medicines of Indian origin.

    1. Hey Man
      Havent found any alternative in India which are similar to what these american doctors sell or use for infection killing.
      I have used this doctors supplements (yes paid 50% extra in custom duty) and I felt good. It brought a slight improvement in my health but still a long way to go.

    2. If I'm not mistaken, in your riview you said the supplements you bought from Dr. Ruscio made your symptoms worse, caused flare-ups etc., now ur saying "I felt good" , did I miss something

    3. Yeah, The only supplement from Dr Ruscio that made me feel better was the "NAC - N-Acetyl Cysteine". But his anti microbials didn't do much to me. I felt great on Dr Justin Marchegiani's antimicrobials.

      Buying supplements from out of the country is going to cost you 50% extra on. Those supplements are twice the amount of the supplements in India, plus 50% custom duty.

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