Tuesday, January 22, 2019

How to tell if your doctor is Ethical, Moral and Trustworthy

In modern teams with more and more people getting sick due to unhealthy lifestyle habits and rise in toxins and pollution, the number of "Doctors" and "HealthCare Providers" are increasing in tandem with the sickness in the society. There are a couple of factors that can tell you your doctor is money minded and will take every last penny of your saved money from you.

1) Exaggerating your disease and using fear tactics : Is your doctor exaggerating your symptoms and telling you have this uptrending grave disease? Then it is highly likely your doctor is unethical. By exaggeratting a patient's disease, she/he is putting the patients emotional wellbeing at a huge risk and making him suffer more than his already restless mind is experiencing. Instead, doctor must do the exact opposite, they must downplay your diseases even if they are grave and give you good assurance that it is not that severe and try to put you at ease thereby starting your recovery process from the whatever disease you are suffering from. I remember all my past doctors, Justin, Marchegiani, Vipul Roy, Shabnam Kar, Lilly Kiswani, all tried to scare me into giving into their expensive treatment, expensive testing and super expensive supplements, which I did give into but without any noticeable improvements , leave alone the improvements, the last two indian doctors made my condition worse than before. However, there is some improvement with Justin Marchegiani but it is 15x more expensive to get consultation , supplement and testing done from USA, the same testing and supplements are not available in India the last time I checked.
For example, By the grace of almighty, I only had a ATPO (Antibodies to Thyroid Peroxidase, an attack on the thyroid, of 4. Shabnam Das Kar saw that and said they should be zero and tried to scare me. According to this article an ATPO < 300 is still fine. link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27607246

2) Too much testing: Medical system and human body is already too complex and adding in more variable through more testing definitely defeats the purpose of narrowing down and finding the root cause of your health issues. The root cause of many of our health issues originate from the gut, mostly from the infections in the stomach, small intestine and large intestine. But the problem with a comprehensive stool testing is that most of the microbiome tested through stools are mostly different from the microorganisms in the gut. I know I have written before about so many testing a doctor needs to do in functional medicine and how they are not available to us. But this is what I have come to realize and understand and back then I was under a lot of stress, which effected my learning and researching heavily. Also as they say, time provides answers to all the questions.

3) Asking you purchase a costly healthcare package : This could be something like requiring you to sign up for a 6 month plan that costs 5 Lakh INR, for example Rujuta Diwekar's.

4) Unable to listen to you, are overly opinionated and hard-driving : If you start to have a sense that your health care provider is not listening to you and unable to think outside their box/limited-knowledge. They are condescending and bragging frequently about the number of patients they have seen. For example Justin Marchegiani, who includes the questions asked by people on his youtube channel as his number-of-patients-seen. But still not able to fix your minor problem which you later fixed on your own. You want a healthcare provider who will look at you as a teammate rather than a subordinate.


  1. I have been following you for a while(2 years) can I have your number one on one
    I have AI disease called myasthenia gravis and I want to disease my treatment plan-9008820066

    1. Sir / Ma'am, How can I help you? I am not a doctor. I am a struggler with my own issues. Please check with doctors. Read the "healthy gut, healthy you" book. or reach out to Kalpana Gupta. I wish you all the health.

    2. @Heisenberg
      I read that you suggested to stay away from any doctor named Gupta {you clearly meant Dr. Kalpana Gupta there)in another thread on someone else's blog....but now you are asking people to reach out to her?

      Can I please know the reason for this shift?

    3. you need a reply to dreamer, Mr Heisenberg

    4. @Cyril, The reason I said to stay away from kalpana gupta are/were: 1) Maybe she does not have the antimicrobials that are needed to improve the gut microbiome.
      The reason I said to reach out to Kalpana Gupta are/were
      2) Maybe she does not have the antimicrobials that are needed to improve the gut microbiome. We dont know for sure.
      Unless somebody who has had their treatment from Kalpana Gupta and share their experience here. We wouldnt know.
      Atleast doing something, even if it is not the optimal action is better than not doing anything. I have been taking action and sharing my experiences here.

    5. *2) Maybe she does have the antimicrobials that are needed to improve the gut microbiome. We dont know for sure.*

  2. I am very sorry to hear that. I wish there was nobody sick in India.

  3. Awww...If I get the super powers I shall heal all the illness of world. who is Kalpana Gupta.

    1. Oh I know this woman, I tried Anjali Hooda and I had good experience.....but My symptom flared by due too seasonal allergies...ANjali did not ask me to do any tests or she did not force me to take nutrition supplement of a specific brand....I so want to talk to you.....

    2. Did Anjali Hooda give you any adrenal support, Antimicrobials and probiotics? I come to understand thats what is required to heal the gut and to rid of autoimmune dieases and allergies.

    3. Please name the brand of the above mentioned medications. Please. I need to know them desperately. Even I have Anti TPOS and Anti TG. Dunno whether I have Grave's or Only Hashimoto's. And I'm scared to do any further tests. I will definitely purchase the above medicines.

  4. I hate the typo on that I am making....

  5. ugggh these are not typos, system is either eliminating or replacing the words.
