Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Share your experience with Dr Paul Gideon

Please share your experience working with Dr Paul Gideon so that other people may benefit from the information if he is a genuine and capable doctor.

What tests does he do?
What sort of supplements does he give you to help heal the gut?

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Sixth consult review a functional medicine doctor in USA

This is a short entry.

Please beware with any functional medicine doctor's adrenal supplements, It has a permanent, rest-of-life, side-effect on your body. I will have to live with this side-effect for the rest of my life. My body hair has grown 3-4x more than before. My arms, torso, legs are far more hairy now compared to when I saw him before and took his adrenal supplements.

Women especially beware of this side-effect.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Autoimmune Paleo Diet (AIP) in India -- Review

Sarah Ballantyne is not a doctor. I guess there is a difference between reading a lot of researches and treating patients. Most doctors are I see/notice do things that are right against 'The Paleo Approach' For example, not to be on AIP for more than 2 months. Not eating safe starches ie Keto helps kill gut bugs, prescrbing colostrum to patients. Going on AIP has further downgraded my health. I traded skin issues for extreme fatigue, brain fog, zero energy to even stand-up etc.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Dried Urine Test for Complete Hormones (DUTCH) India

Hello Everyone,

This one is the DUTCH test, In this test, you pee on piece of specialized lab paper, there are 5 of them in each test kit and you send it to the Precision Analytical Lab In Oregan, USA.

This test checks Stress Hormones and Sex hormones.

I feel very low in the morning after waking up and as the day progress I start to gain energy in very small amounts. A big burst of energy comes to me after the sunset and stays with me through out the night, not allowing me to sleep. Anybody has the same experience ?

A healthy person is quite opposite, In a healthy person, he/she has most energy in the morning and it goes down steadily (not abruptly) as the day progresses and its the lowest as the sun sets, allowing him/her to fall asleep for the night.

Things of notice in the report

  • Stress hormone DHEA is too high which correlates with the amount of infections in the gut.
  • Serotonin is too low which correlated with the same thing.
  • Actually all of these hormones are linked with the gut health. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

GI Map: A Comprehensive Stool Test India

Hello Everyone,

I got my stool test done from Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory in America. This stool test cannot be ordered by your own, a doctor has to order it. The test results are sent to the doctor, not to you. So you have to book an appointment with the doctor to get the results. My doctor Mr. Justin Marchegiani, did not give me the reports when they got it, I had to book an appointment worth 15000 INR for 60 mins to get the same report, without the appointment I couldn't have gotten the report. I asked them, they did not give me. Your doctor / experience may vary.

I couldn't find where a similar test is done in India and with this much detail.

This is the content of the report
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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Functional Medicine Tests in India

Hello Guys,

Hope you all are doing great.

After having my health further deteriorated by Lily Kiswani and Shabnam Kar I continued my study in the matters of health. Before visiting these two "doctors" I was able to sleep for 7-8 hours everynight, after visiting them and taking their "advices" I sleep less than 4 hours everynight and I constantly wake up at 3 AM everynight.

I learned about a few tests which the American Doctors do that are not available in India, atleast in my searching. I urge any readers to let me know in the comments otherwise.

1. Leaky Gut Test : This test checks for zonulin and occludin (particles of small intestine) in the bloodstream. When a leaky gut is present these protiens called zonulin and occludin are found in the blood stream. So this is a blood test that confirms a leaky gut. This is not a necessary test as the symptoms are enough to diagnose a leaky gut aka Intestinal hyper-permeability.

2. Cyrex Food Sensitivity Test : This test many doctors such as Chris Kresser, Ed Beyer, Amy Meyers, and a lot others say is much more accurate than any competition.

3. Organic Acid Urine Test : This test to check various vitamin & minerals in your body and to check the functionality of proper detox pathways such as pooping, peeing, sweating and sneezing.

4. Adrenal Saliva Test:

5. Kryptopyrrole Test: If you have this condition called 'Pyroluria', in which high levels of kryptopyrroles are circulating in the blood, then you are rapidly excreting Zinc, Vitamin B6 & Essential Fatty Acids (E.F.As) from the urine, these minerals help in the formation of Serotonin & Dopamine that are good for the pituitary gland that produces various hormones such as T.S.H.

6. 23 & Me Genetic Testing:

7. GI Map Stool Test: This test detects all the parasites and infections in the digestive tract, from mouth to anus. Presense of these parasites and infections are the leading cause of auto-immune condition ie chronic (long-term) activation of immune system and inflammation. View my tests here.

8. Urine pH:

9. LabCorp Comprehensive Blood Work:

10. Dried Urine Test for Complete Hormones: Here

.. to be continued..