Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Are Herbal Gut Anti-microbials effective at reducing gut infections shown by GI MAP ?!?!?!

As per my last month's GI MAP results. It doesn't. 

Burned through a lot of money, time and sanity trying to fight food allergies.

How will I ever going to financially recover from this ?

Monday, May 15, 2023

My 2nd GI Map test results after being on the AIP diet for 6 years and being on herbal anti-microbials for 5 years.

 Hello Friends, 

I did the GI MAP test again this month. The last time I did this GI MAP test was in April 2018. So its been been 5 years since I did my 1st GI MAP test. You can check my results back in April 2018 on this blog at this link .

Firstly, In the last 5 years I did atleast 6 months of Gut Infection killing each year, for the last 5 years. These Gut Infection killing supplements were all natural herbal antimicrobials. I bought these supplements from this link - I kept rotating the supplements and I have tried 100% of all the gut infection killing supplements listed on that website. I have even used some of these supplements more than twice, each for a period of 3 months. 

Secondly, I have been on the Auto Immune Paleo diet (AIP) for 6 years since 2017. I have been taking digestive support, Betaine HCL, Digestive Enzymes and Ox Bile since the last 5 years too. 

I did each of the 6-Rs very religiously. 6-Rs is something Dr Justin Marchegiani describes for imrpoving your gut health. 

1st R - Removing bad foods. This step can vary from removing just the 6 common GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms), namely, gluten, soy, dairy, eggplant, peanuts & eggs to SCD (Specific Carbohydrate diet) to Low-FODMAP to Paleo or Auto Immune Paleo diet. Out of all these diets, AIP is the most restricve diet of all. I am on a strict AIP diet since 6 years. 

2nd R - Replace hormones. Dr Justin Marchegiani gives three bottles of three hormones, namely, Pregnenolone, DHEA and Licorice. They are supposed to help strengthen the gut lining by promoting healthy balance of hormones. 

3rd R - Remove bad infections. In this step Dr gave me every gut killing herbs available on his website. I used these herbs for 6 months of every year of the last 5 years. 

4th R - Re-inoculate. In this step, Dr J, uses herbs like L-glutamine and others to repair the gut lining. 

5th R - Repopulate healthy bacteria. In This step Dr gives you Lacto Bifido Probiotics, Scrhomyces Boulardi and/or Sporebased Probiotics. 

6th R - Re-test. In this step Dr asks you to test your gut bacteria through the GI MAP test.

I did each of the above 6 Rs religious through out the last 5-6 Years and Now, this report is telling me my infections have increased doing ALL the right things for the gut?!?!

                                    2018                                    2023

Giardia                        2.16e3                                1.22e3

H. Pylori                     <dl                                      2.19e3

Clostridium                 2.75e6                                Not Included in this test now. 

Enterobacter                9.02e7                                Not Included in this test now. 

Bacteroidetes               1.42e12                              6.10e12

Enterococcus               1.79e4                                Not included in this test now. 

Bacillus                        9.27e4                                1.84e6

Staphylococous aureus 2.62e1                               3.55e3                                 

Streptococcus spp.        <dl                                     2.79e4

Klebsiella spp.              4.70e4                                5.55e4

Klebsiella pneu.            2.52e5                                4.24e5

Prevotella spp.              <dl                                      2.81e8

Candida spp.                 7.94e3                                 2.96e4

The good stuff has reduced such as Elastase-1 in the last 5 years of healthy AIP diet and a gut clearing protocol.

Elastase-1                    104                                         41


The latest report is very de-moralizing, as it seems I have not reduced my gut infections and seem to have doubled the quanity of each infection.

To add insult to the injury, I have wasted 8,00,000 INR or 10,000 USD so far just on doctor and his supplements alone. If I were to add the AIP diet cost and digestive support supplements cost, the expenses would run twice as much ie 20,000 USD and 16,00,000 INR. I am so depressed that I spent all that money only to increase my gut infections?!?! rather than reduce it. :( :( :(. God knows how frugally I lived and how hard I worked to be able to spend money on the doctor in Austin, Texas and his supplements. I am losing all hope in life. I am not sure what I am going to do now. 

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If any one from India has recovered from an auto immune disease and food allergies. Please leave a comment. My doctor, Dr Justin Marchegiani, claims he did his best. I have no idea what to do now or who to trust anymore. I am at my wits end. PLEASE HELP!!!

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Does allow fake reviews and manipulate the user reviews ?

                                                             Step 1) Review any un-bought product on amazon. 

Step 2) Wait for the confirmation of the review going live.

Step 3) Got cheated buying this new laptop recently basis of the amazon reviews. Laptop Link . Model Name HP 15s fq5111TU Notebook. When I bought this product, it had 1070 reviews, now they have 1050, which means they did remove the 20 negative reviews. 

Bottom Line : Do not buy based off of amazon reviews. They don't accept the return of electronic products. 

Monday, December 20, 2021

Dr Pankaj Bharti Holistic Wellness -- Psoriasis Protocol Review


Pic 1 - Overall Protocol

Pic 2 - Diarrhoea Infusion Protocol a.k.a. Liver Gallbladder Colon Flush

  • Found them to be too rude. Their ratio of attitude to usefull-knowledge is almost zero. In other words, their ratio of Bullshit-knowledge to humbleness is too damn high. 
  • Didnt work for me. I got covid immediately after starting their protocol in April. My life style has not changed in phase one and phase two of covid. I was cautious as always in both the phases of covid. I am guessing the virus took home in me because they weakened my immune system from  their immune modulating supplements they had me taking. 
  • The protocol for any diseases they claim to treat; be it diabetes, arthritis, psoriasis or any chronic disease, their protocol is 80 to 90% exactly same. Only thing that is extra in psoriasis is Immuo-P, Immuno-M, Castor Oil(wtf, show me one study that shows swishing castor oil in your mouth is helpful in any chronic disease?).
  • They havent even heard of gut microbiome or parasitic infecions in the gut. The whole world of chronic diseases exist because of the bad gut microbiome and parasitic infections in the gut; which they haven't heard of. 
  • I was hopefull when they used the words such as "holistic" and "gut" in their youtube videos. So I took their treatment. I was surprised how stupid their treatment is as soon as it started. The only thing good about all this was their use of terminology such as "gut" and "holistic" in youtube videos, everything else was super stupid.
  • As soon as I started their treatment, I started to become very very fat and I continued it for 3 weeks hoping to god that the fat gain was temporary side-effect; but it turned out that my hopes were flawed. I stopped all their medicines and diet recommensation and I lost all the weight I had gained from their advices and treatment plan. You will loose a lot of muscle and gain a lot of fat too if you follow this and you will also loose your hair doing this.
  • All in all, this is just plain stupid. 
  • If they take 16500/- INR from every Indian. They stand to make 16500 x 150 crore people = 24.75 Lakh crore INR from this scam of a treatment they call "holistic". There are too many shams and scams in the name of "holistic" happening since ages and this is just one of them. 
  • This doctor, Dr Pankaj Bharti, is a sham like all the other Indian doctors I have seen, Dr Shabnam Das Kar, Dr Lily Kiswani, Dr Jignesh Mehta (Bio dentist, my ass!).
  • Just like all the previous indian doctors I have seen like, Lily Kiswani, Pankaj Bharti, Shabnam Kar, Jignesh Mehta; you dont really need to pay to anybody 16-20K INR to tell you to get on a healthy anti-inflammatory keto or paleo or AIP or carnivore diet. 80% people I have spoken to via the blog and online groups get completely cured of auto immune diseases just by going on a healthy diet.

Nirogi Kaaya:

  • Got bloated immediately after half a teaspoon of consumption
  • Got irritated and agitated immediately
  • My depression and anxiety came back quickly.
  • Lost my mental energy - focus and concentration. 
  • Psoriasis broke out on the side of the nose and hair-line immediately
  • Got diarrhea immediately.
  • Got knee pain immediately.
  • Got lower back pain immediately but on the right side of the lower back.

  • Burning sensation in the stomach. Spoke to Dr Pankaj Bharti and his asociates on the call. They were very rude to answer and dismissed and ignored my words. 

Acid-Alkaline Balance:
  • Same thing, burning sensation in my stomach. Spoke to Pankaj Bharti and his associates about how I felt with their stuff, but got treated like an untouchable instead.
  • Was very hungry all the when I was having this. I never felt this much hungry before even after eating so much. 
  • This just proved that this bottle hampered my digestive power and that is why I was always hungry because I was not digesting my food well. I stopped this thing, and my hunger levels went down and my satiety levels went up and energy was back to the levels it earlier was. 

Liver-Gallbladder-Colon cleanse:
  • They have do a forceull diarhhoea for 24 hours. You will be doing continuos diarhhea for 24 hours without any rest or sleep. Everytime you under go diarrhea, you are flushing out a lot of minerals and good microbiome and this guy have you do diarrhea atleast 50 to 100 times in 24 hours period. Imagine the amount of loss of good microbiome and minerals. 
  • I would like to refer you to this video from Dr. Eric Berg. He explains it way better than I can. After watching this video you will know how incredibly stupid and dangerous this step is:

Monday, August 16, 2021

Dr Pankaj Bharti's holistic wellness review

Good Day Folks,

Today I am going to share my experience with Dr Pankaj Bharti. This new experience is one of the many of my long list of experiences with various doctors on my long long long long journey of fighting psoriasis and towards health and peace. 

Frist and foremost, the contact numbers you see on drbhartis website are not to get in touch with Dr Pankaj Bharti. He has built a team of very fresh college graduates maybe BHMS or BUMS who refer themselves also as doctors. But they are extremely young, that is to say they might not have much experience in dealing with diseases, patients and so on. 

I first called up on one of those numbers and got in contact with a one Dr Pooja. I explained to her that I am autoimmune patient and I have psoriasis due to food allergies. If you have read my blog before, my psoriasis has reduced somewhat because of the AIP diet. Anyways, I digressed, I explained to her that my mother has extremely severe Ankylosis Spondilits which is an auto immune disease where the immune system destroys the joints and bones together. She wanted to start my mother on a list of supplements and herbal medicines right away and asked me to pay 5000 INR. But I resisted and demanded to see Dr Bharti first and go by his recommendation. After a few more calls and after paying 1500 INR , Dr Pooja agreed to arange a whatsapp video call with myself, my mother and Dr Pankaj Bharti. 

During the video call, Dr Pankaj Bharti saw my mother's back and diagnosed her as "extreme loss of bone". He didnt use any medical term to diagnose her illness other than that. I asked him is there a medical term for this illness. He didnt answer and repeated again its a "loss of bone and arthritis". I said is it an auto immune diease like "Ankylosing Spondilitis" he said, wait for it, "NO". My confidence in him came down. He said there is no such disease as auto immune disease in India and these diseases happen only to the western world. I was shaken. and the confidence with which he said that and the arrogance with which he said that was disappointing. The whole video call lasted less than 2 minutes and it felt like nothing valuable could be obtained from the video call. You are never going to see him with consultation, you are only going to 

After a few days, I transfered 5000 INR first without getting an invoice or a bill for the supplements I was paying. Despite repeated requests, I did not get the bill or invoice. She asked why I wanted the bill or invoice. I explained to her that in any commercial transaction, the buy recieves a bill or invoice of what is being bought by him and then the buyer pays the money after knowing in all awareness what he is paying for. Anyway, I didnt get the bill because "their account was on a leave" and I paid 5000 INR she wanted me to pay. 

I received these three supplements for the 5000 INR to help with my mother's ankylosis spondilits. Pictures attached. 

1. Byna

2. Reju CCM

3. Reju MSM

The schedule to take them was

Reju CCM 1 - 1 (1 in morning with breakfast and 1 in evening with dinner)

Reju MSM 1 - 1 (1 in morning with breakfast and 1 in evening with dinner)

Byna 2 - 2 (2 in morning with breakfast and 2 in the evening with dinner)

It was fine for initially when my mother started taking this. But soon after, my moms health started to deteriorate. She started feeling, very very tired, unable to walk, unable to think, unable to do any walk, biggest of them all was both her knees were swollen like a baloon. Intially, I was astonished and unbelievable, so we stopped all this and surely her symptoms faded away. After a few days, she started these supplements again and all her symptons were back like before. I called up Dr Pooja and told her that the supplements were having severe side effects, she immediately snapped back at me very rudely "mat lona supplements! koi zabardasti nahi hai!". Translation "No one is forcing you to take supplements, dont take them". I said, you are a doctor, and my mother needs help, what is the solution? She said to get the following tests then. I was hoping these tests would shed some light on why my mother was having severe side effects to these medicines. 

The tests she asked for were:

1) Arthritic profile including RA factor

2) BMD test

3) Vit D3

4) Vit B12

After doing a pain staking research on where these tests can be done for economical cost. It took me 15 days to get all these tests done. I sent her a report of these tests hoping to get an answer for why the medicines were having side effects. You know what she said ? You want to know ? She jsut said "Vit D low hai". Thats it! nothing more! nothing less! I mean, no shit sherlock even a normal person without any clinical symptoms has a low Vit D and my mother who has the most severe ankylosing spondilites would obviously have a low Vit D, thank you for enlightening me Einstein!. I mean thats all you are capable of doing? I asked myself. So all those tests and the time and money spent behind getting it done was completely a waste. and my mom finished the one month course in three months. 

In summary, The wellness and health awareness, level, knowledge and sophistication in India, is very very bad to understate it. We need more knowledge and know how about gut health and auto immunity almost as if a second nature. Only then we can make our country "swast bharat" all this mumbo jumbo psuedo science without empircal evidence and understanding just helping the one who are only ill in a very minor way. 

After a few months, We thought to do a full course of their wellness program... this will be shared in another post due to lack of time. 

Friday, May 28, 2021

My Auto-immune disease update April 2021

I am doing a little better right now compared to when I had written this post first time in 2018. I am not sure how it got republished in 2021. Thanks to the Adrenal support, anti microbials and probiotics especially sacchromyces boulardi for now (I love jarrow Formula's sacchromyces boulardi + MOS), this probiotics calms down my gut inflammation a little bit and gives me a little energy. That sacchromyces boulardi supplement costs like a bomb in India. Thanks to India's 50% custom import duty protecting the incompetency and BS about ayurveda in India. Yes, I dont believe in ayurveda at all, it is the BS that fills Indian with pride and with pride comes failure. Having had autoimmune diseases since I was 5 years old, I have tried every ayurvedic trick out there in vain.

I am actually thankful to Dr. Justin Marchegiani since 2021 as I am a little energetic now than I was in 2018. The only problem with all this is, is 50% import duty on supplements on top of mind boggingly expensive functional medicine consults, tests and supplements. I have spent about 5,50,000 INR or 7500 USD so far since 2018 and got a little energy and a little calm in my symptoms caused by gut inflammation. I had spent about 80,000 INR on Indian "doctors" like Shabnam Kar, Lilly Kiswani and Pankaj Bharti, which was money down the toilet. Someday I am going to post everything about Pankaj Bharti's treatment. Some arrogant and ignorant people these lot are.

Supplementing magnesium may or may not work for you depending on you being depleted in that mineral or not. The whole idea of functional medicine is to clear the colon of bad microbiome and populate it with good microbiome so that it gives you many benefits in terms of reduced inflammation, better blood sugar control, better immune system, and producing B vitamins and other nutrition for your body to use; this happends just by feeding fiber to that good microbiome of yours.

I have been running this blog for several years now, more and more Indians have gotten in touch with me over time and they all have fully healed except me , some almost completely healing their gut and food allergies by just doing the Paleo or AIP or Carnivore diet without ever touching any adrenal support or herbal anti microbials or probiotics.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

One of the many gut infections

 One of the many infections found in the gut is yeast infection called candida. 

This disease is called candidiasis

This yeast infection feeds on sugars especially the lactose and undigested food, food which you cannot digest and have allergic reaction to. 

This yeast covers your digestive tract and prevents food digestion and absorption.

Here are some pictures

This is an example of a yeast infection. This pic shows the infection on the tongue and this is the condition of your intestines too when you have a yeast infection in the gut. 

In a very very mild case of candidiasis, garlic helps but if it doesnt then you need supplments to clear your candida infection. 

here is a joke to amuse you

PS: I am not a doctor and I am just a normal being suffering from digestive issues and food allergies.