Monday, December 20, 2021

Dr Pankaj Bharti Holistic Wellness -- Psoriasis Protocol Review


Pic 1 - Overall Protocol

Pic 2 - Diarrhoea Infusion Protocol a.k.a. Liver Gallbladder Colon Flush

  • Found them to be too rude. Their ratio of attitude to usefull-knowledge is almost zero. In other words, their ratio of Bullshit-knowledge to humbleness is too damn high. 
  • Didnt work for me. I got covid immediately after starting their protocol in April. My life style has not changed in phase one and phase two of covid. I was cautious as always in both the phases of covid. I am guessing the virus took home in me because they weakened my immune system from  their immune modulating supplements they had me taking. 
  • The protocol for any diseases they claim to treat; be it diabetes, arthritis, psoriasis or any chronic disease, their protocol is 80 to 90% exactly same. Only thing that is extra in psoriasis is Immuo-P, Immuno-M, Castor Oil(wtf, show me one study that shows swishing castor oil in your mouth is helpful in any chronic disease?).
  • They havent even heard of gut microbiome or parasitic infecions in the gut. The whole world of chronic diseases exist because of the bad gut microbiome and parasitic infections in the gut; which they haven't heard of. 
  • I was hopefull when they used the words such as "holistic" and "gut" in their youtube videos. So I took their treatment. I was surprised how stupid their treatment is as soon as it started. The only thing good about all this was their use of terminology such as "gut" and "holistic" in youtube videos, everything else was super stupid.
  • As soon as I started their treatment, I started to become very very fat and I continued it for 3 weeks hoping to god that the fat gain was temporary side-effect; but it turned out that my hopes were flawed. I stopped all their medicines and diet recommensation and I lost all the weight I had gained from their advices and treatment plan. You will loose a lot of muscle and gain a lot of fat too if you follow this and you will also loose your hair doing this.
  • All in all, this is just plain stupid. 
  • If they take 16500/- INR from every Indian. They stand to make 16500 x 150 crore people = 24.75 Lakh crore INR from this scam of a treatment they call "holistic". There are too many shams and scams in the name of "holistic" happening since ages and this is just one of them. 
  • This doctor, Dr Pankaj Bharti, is a sham like all the other Indian doctors I have seen, Dr Shabnam Das Kar, Dr Lily Kiswani, Dr Jignesh Mehta (Bio dentist, my ass!).
  • Just like all the previous indian doctors I have seen like, Lily Kiswani, Pankaj Bharti, Shabnam Kar, Jignesh Mehta; you dont really need to pay to anybody 16-20K INR to tell you to get on a healthy anti-inflammatory keto or paleo or AIP or carnivore diet. 80% people I have spoken to via the blog and online groups get completely cured of auto immune diseases just by going on a healthy diet.

Nirogi Kaaya:

  • Got bloated immediately after half a teaspoon of consumption
  • Got irritated and agitated immediately
  • My depression and anxiety came back quickly.
  • Lost my mental energy - focus and concentration. 
  • Psoriasis broke out on the side of the nose and hair-line immediately
  • Got diarrhea immediately.
  • Got knee pain immediately.
  • Got lower back pain immediately but on the right side of the lower back.

  • Burning sensation in the stomach. Spoke to Dr Pankaj Bharti and his asociates on the call. They were very rude to answer and dismissed and ignored my words. 

Acid-Alkaline Balance:
  • Same thing, burning sensation in my stomach. Spoke to Pankaj Bharti and his associates about how I felt with their stuff, but got treated like an untouchable instead.
  • Was very hungry all the when I was having this. I never felt this much hungry before even after eating so much. 
  • This just proved that this bottle hampered my digestive power and that is why I was always hungry because I was not digesting my food well. I stopped this thing, and my hunger levels went down and my satiety levels went up and energy was back to the levels it earlier was. 

Liver-Gallbladder-Colon cleanse:
  • They have do a forceull diarhhoea for 24 hours. You will be doing continuos diarhhea for 24 hours without any rest or sleep. Everytime you under go diarrhea, you are flushing out a lot of minerals and good microbiome and this guy have you do diarrhea atleast 50 to 100 times in 24 hours period. Imagine the amount of loss of good microbiome and minerals. 
  • I would like to refer you to this video from Dr. Eric Berg. He explains it way better than I can. After watching this video you will know how incredibly stupid and dangerous this step is: