Dear Indians,
The Information technology has given access to so many news and views of journalists. Politics and Political Parties are the most common topic of "discussion" and criticism. We say and speak without thinking and even tough we do not know the matter fully. Even if we are the expert on that matter, we must be humble.
So, Before we criticize out Government, saying that this Government is bad or anything else. Please, Please reflect on this Question, "What have we done as the citizens of India, as the primary responsible people of the nation; for our country, for our society". I pose following questions in extension of that thought
- Have we been the kind of neighbor we want to have ourselves.
- Do we drive carefully on the roads, respecting each others space, and following all rules for safety.
- Did we do enough research and study into the characters of the political people we are going to vote for or against.
- Pollution is a huge problem in our country. Do we do try to save trees and be minimum consumer of natural resources. Our country if not so rich with Energy resources, considering the amount of brothers and sisters ie the population this country is serving.
- Did we save enough money, before we spend. For a healthy Indian economy, All citizens must produce / save first, before they consume / spend.
- Do you smile at your friends and family everytime you get a chance to see them? Why this is important for a country? Because the change, humanity and kindness begins at home, for ourselves and for others who deserve when they are not breaking any law. Politely condemn when the person is breaking the law.
- Have you been an active participant in keeping the law and order of our country safe and sound? Security and Safety is not only the responsibility of the cops, we are all responsible for it.
Please guys, due to the nature of this post, it is not possible to write each and every thought that goes in my mind, Please try to think and act. We do not want to give a bad India to our children.
Please do not have an "Entitlement" mentality, that society owes you something, what you sow is what you reap. You sow honesty, Integrity, Hard-work, faithfulness, kindness into society, what is precisely what you and your children will get. Make no mistake, many societies have these Entitlement mentality, that the Government, the society, you and me, owe somebody something. This kind of mentality is very dangerous because you are essentially giving away the power to make you happy to somebody else. That just cannot happen in real world. Your own good actions will give you good results and happiness.